The Motorola Solutions safety and security ecosystem works together so your plant can better respond to and recognize patterns, anticipate actions and prevent situations before they escalate into emergencies. From the moment a delivery truck enters your perimeter to when an employee clocks out of their late-night shift, prepare your employees for any challenge by connecting your critical communications, video security, access control, data and analytics with the Motorola Solutions safety and security ecosystem.
By investing in a unified ecosystem, Logan Aluminum sees more value from each piece of its technology and is further establishing themselves as a leader in safety and technology innovation. Today, they can leverage multiple platforms using video data analytics to increase productivity and create solutions to their most pressing safety and efficiency challenges.
From the moment a student gets on the bus to the moment they leave their extracurricular activities, prepare your staff for challenges by connecting your critical communications, video security, access control, data and analytics. Motorola Solutions safety and security ecosystem works together to help your teams respond to and recognize patterns, anticipate actions, and prevent situations before they escalate into emergencies.
Motorola Solutions safety and security ecosystem works together to help your teams respond to and recognize patterns, anticipate actions and prevent situations before they escalate into emergencies. From the moment power is generated to when a light is switched on, you can secure your facilities and employees by connecting your critical communications, video security, access control, data and analytics.
From medical situations to the unthinkable, Rave’s Panic Button application provides one-push activation of any type of emergency. With Rave, a Motorola Solutions company, schools can instantly trigger a 9-1-1 response or send smart notifications to key stakeholders based on the type of event and location.
Download the Rave Panic Button Brochure
For applications where it is critical to obtain character recognition at typical vehicle speeds, the Avigilon H4 License Plate Capture (LPC) camera kit is designed to capture vehicle license plates – even in challenging lighting conditions. Using infrared illumination and visible light filtering, H4 LPC cameras enable Avigilon License Plate Recognition (LPR) analytics technology to accurately identify license plate characters from a range of distances.
Download the Avigilon H4 LPC Camera Flyer
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