Motorola Solutions is the leading provider of mission critical two-way radio communications to commercial businesses and public safety agencies worldwide.
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In cooperation with Motorola, ETA offers both basic and advanced certifications for Motorola Technicians and Service Stations. Motorola would like for the technicians to take the basic electronics Associate CET exam. Many techs are also choosing to take the full journeyman level CET by taking either the WCM or USMSS certification and others have gone on to attain Senior or even Master level CET certification.
Radio North Group Inc., has joined the PICS' contractor database to provide our clients with a premier level of safety.
PICS is the fastest-growing contractor prequalification company in the world, headquartered in Irvine, California, with 12 international offices. Clients around the world use the PICS system to find safe, qualified contractors like Radio North Group. With Radio North Group's entrance into the PICS database, we are primed to offer the highest level of Health & Safety Management our clients.
As a renowned contractor prequalification company, PICS was created nearly a decade ago with a focus on improving safety. In just a few years, PICS became a world-class supplier management service, as an industry leader in contractor screening. Today, PICS is the global standard in helping thousands of contractors prequalify for the Owner/Operator companies they work with. The quality of the PICS Products, coupled with their outstanding customer service, has led to long-term partnerships across the world.
Visit for more details.
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