Motorola Solutions' MOTOTRBO Ion is the next generation business-ready smart radio with voice, broadband data and multimedia capabilities to connect teams, inform operations and keep businesses running smoothly. It works on the digital mobile radio (DMR) standard, Wi-Fi, public LTE and private broadband networks and is built to support searching, tracking, ticketing, scanning and collaboration to boost productivity, especially within industries such as manufacturing, transportation, logistics and hospitality that rely on mobile workers.
From the production line to the power line, MOTOTRBO radios are helping people work more efficiently, productively and safely. MOTOTRBO delivers game-changing advantages along with business-essential systems, applications and accessories.
MOTOTRBO Capacity Max builds on Motorola’s extensive real-world experience of trunked radio systems and the latest technology to deliver a scalable solution that’s perfect for your business. With an architecture optimized for high performance, high efficiency and graceful scalability, Capacity Max can deliver better collaboration and worker safety to your business – whether it’s a single campus or an international operation.
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